McCarthy Says Trump in ‘Stronger’ Position Now Than He Was in 2016

Former President Trump is in a much stronger position to win the presidential race next year than in 2016, according to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).
“Just look at the numbers this morning—Trump is stronger today than he was in 2016,” McCarthy told Breitbart News in an interview on June 27, referring to poll results released by Morning Consult earlier on the same day.
The survey showed that 44 percent of roughly 6,000 registered voters would support Trump—three percentage points ahead of President Joe Biden—in a hypothetical two-way matchup. Ten percent said they would back someone else while five percent were undecided.
Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is considered Trump’s biggest rival in the GOP primary, picked up 40 percent of support when assumed as the Republican candidate, losing to Biden by two percentage points. In this hypothetical scenario, 12 percent supported someone else while six percent were undecided….

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