‘Pushing a False Racist Narrative’: Extremist Educators Not Teaching but Indoctrinating, Says Advocate

Radical leftist ideologies have permeated deep into American campuses, and affected the nation’s educational standards as well as perverted decision-making at the highest levels of academia, said Kenny Xu.
President of Color Us United—an advocacy group standing against racist policies propagated in the name of equity—and author of the upcoming “School of Woke,” Xu spoke against the dangerous impacts of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) policies widely adopted by the nation’s universities and schools in a March 2 interview with Jan Jekielek on “American Thought Leaders.”
“We’ve spent three times as much money on public education in those past 30 years, adjusted for inflation. What have we been spending it on? We’ve been spending it on internalizing critical race theory principles in our school system. We’ve been spending it on teaching black kids that society is against them. We’ve been spending them on new diversity, equity, and inclusion administrators to teach queer theory and relationship-oriented pedagogy to teachers so that they can continue to derail these students,” Xu said….

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