What’s Not to Like About ‘Bidenomics’? Plenty

The Biden camp seems to be operating under the delusion that it can somehow rehabilitate the phrase “Bidenomics”—hurled as a pejorative at the White House by those of us on the Right—to serve as a buzz phrase in support of the president’s 2024 reelection campaign.
It’s a risky—some would say, foolish—notion, but certainly not the first political misstep from this administration.
This is, after all, the same administration that told us that the inflation we saw in its early months was “transitory,” even as headline inflation tripped the 5 percent mark in May 2021. Then, in June of that year, TC Energy, the developer of the Keystone XL Pipeline, further exacerbated inflation when it announced it had abandoned the pipeline project, even as Republicans urged the company to continue. The decision was impelled by the Biden team cutting off the permits for the project the day after taking the president took his oath of office. Gasoline that had been $2.25 per gallon in January 2021 spiked to $3/gal by the end of May 2021, then rocketed to $5/gal by June 2022….

By admin

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