Lizard Force might be the most elite military meme unit

A 2013 study found that an astonishing segment of the U.S. population believes lizard people are in charge of the government. What’s to say, for those individuals, that such reptiles have not also infiltrated the ranks of the military? Lizard people would be cold blooded killers in combat, after all.

Bad puns aside, a military enthusiast and artist named Nick Brown has taken that concept to heart by reimagining various units with troops as actual lizard people. The result? An elite array of commandos known as “Lizard Force.”

“Lizard Force began around eight years ago as an experiment with lighting miniature models,” Brown told Military Times. “Initially, it was a way for me to test lighting techniques without relying on real people as subjects. Over time, it transformed into a project where I used dioramas and miniature models to tell stories through my photography.”

But first, Brown felt there needed to be a back story for a unit the Lizard Force Twitter bio calls an “Elite Dino-Humanoid Taskforce [of] highly-trained warriors with small arms expertise.”

“The origin of Lizard Force remains a mystery, but there are rumors that it was a government experiment to create the ultimate warriors by merging human and dinosaur DNA,” Brown said. “Allegedly, the experiment went awry.”

Instead of augmenting military capabilities — namely, eating their enemies — the Lizard Force grew an insatiable desire to consume everyone … but not raw. Instead, they developed a more refined, borderline Italian palate.

“It is said that their preferred way of consuming human meat is in the form of sausages, and their ultimate goal seems to be turning humankind into sausages,” Brown joked.

As such, many of the more leisurely scenes of the Lizard Force involve them snacking on salty meat sticks.

At the moment, Brown’s work primarily consists of staging the reptilian commandos and sharing them on social media. However, he has explored some merchandise and is looking forward to potentially showcasing his dioramas in person.

“It started out as simply a fun way of combining my interests in photography and the military,” he noted. “It’s pretty amazing that this project that was just intended to make me and my friends laugh has now evolved into something bigger. I find it incredibly rewarding to get messages from people all around the world who are enjoying my content and want to find out more about it.”

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