GOP Panel Chair Demands Action to Fix ‘Dire’ Border Situation
ORLANDO, Fla.—House Republicans will redouble their efforts this spring and summer to convince the Democrat-held Senate to adopt eight proposed immigration reform measures that are matriculating through the lower chamber, two key GOP committee chairs affirmed March 20.
While that’s not necessarily breaking news, Homeland Security Committee Chair Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) and Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) made it clear they want a head to roll—Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
“The situation is dire” at the nation’s southern border, Green told reporters at the Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes in Orlando during the second day of a three-day House GOP retreat sponsored by the Washington-based Congressional Institute, noting the United States Border Patrol reports nearly 5 million undocumented people have crossed the border in the last 26 months….