IN-DEPTH: The CCP Fears US Containment—Is This What Washington is Doing?

When Rep. Mike Gallagher defended his title of “fastest man in Congress” for the sixth straight year in May, he wasn’t exactly in a celebratory mood.
Winning the 3-mile race with a respectable 20 minutes 3 seconds, the Wisconsin congressman found himself turning his mind to post-Cold War America.
“On paper, this was a victory. In reality, my time was slow,” he said in a statement after topping the congressional men’s division in the annual race for government and media staff in Washington.
“Like America after the fall of the Berlin Wall, like Senator Tom Cotton after the 2016 [race], victory is defeating me,” the 39-year-old lawmaker said, referring to the defending champion he unseated in his maiden run in 2017….

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