Will the Arts Ever Thrive Again?

The architects of lockdowns—Anthony Fauci became the most prominent among them—exhibited a mono-maniacism that was hard to comprehend at the time and now. In real life, people organize activities around millions of concerns, from religion to arts to commerce. The lockdowns demanded that all that change in deference to a single pathogen. And that pathogen would be fought through what Fauci called “common sense health measures.”
They weren’t common sense at all. They had never been tried on this scale in the whole history of humanity. What it amounted to was an overnight reconstruction of the operation of the entire social order. “We really want people to be separated at this time, to be able to address this virus,” announced Deborah Birx on March 16, 2020. Oh really? All people separated, as if society were a military camp or prison?…

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