The Green Ruse

Climate activists tell us that if we don’t trade fossil fuel sources for “green” energy, the world will come to an end. The science, they say, is settled—even if they can’t settle on a fixed date for the coming climate apocalypse.
However, observation of physical reality shows that the infrastructure needed for so-called “clean” energy is disastrous for the environment. And the economic numbers give evidence that the transition to the Green New Deal is catastrophic for humans.
So why are U.S. and EU politicians determined to push Western Civilization back into the dark ages? Because it’s an extortion racket. There’s big money at stake for global elites invested in the climate agenda. And the best way to ensure it reaches their bank accounts is to terrorize the world’s population into believing that unless we agree to the oligarchy’s demands to shrink our means while they expand theirs, Earth will burn to a fiery crisp….

By admin

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