John Robson: Liberals’ Indo-Pacific Strategy Poised to Be a Toothless Pastiche of Trendy Virtue Signals

It seems the Canadian government is finally going to turn on a dime and produce its strategy for dealing with China’s basic dictatorship. Apparently the key elements are cooperation on climate change and jobs for the boys and girls when they leave office, although the latter may not even get into the fine print. Nor, probably, will such concepts as vigilant armed defence of liberty in the spirit of Vimy, Waterloo, and Egbert’s Stone.
In an interview with the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C., clearly a better venue than our musty Parliament, especially given its slogan “Shaping the global future together,” our overwhelmed foreign affairs minister said, “I’ll be coming up with our Indo-Pacific and China policy before the end of the year.” Which doesn’t sound as though she even has a draft yet, something of a red flag given the struggles of this administration, and the entire Canadian government, with deliverology lately. And why just her?…

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