Category: automatic voter registration

Youngkin Thwarts Democrat Election Scheme With Return To Virginia Constitution On Felon Voting

Youngkin Thwarts Democrat Election Scheme With Return To Virginia Constitution On Felon Voting In accordance with the state constitution, Youngkin will determine whether ex-convicts can obtain voting privileges on an…

Michigan Landlords Sue East Lansing For Forcing Them To Provide Voter Registration Materials To Tenants

Michigan Landlords Sue East Lansing For Forcing Them To Provide Voter Registration Materials To Tenants The Thomas More Society is suing the city of East Lansing for compelling landlords to…

To Save Wisconsin Elections, Republicans Must Kill Automatic Voter Registration

To Save Wisconsin Elections, Republicans Must Kill Automatic Voter Registration To deep-pocketed partisans, AVR is the ultimate solution to the registration money-pit because it gets states — and taxpayers —…

Everything You Need To Know About Democrat Gov. Tony Evers’ Bid To Overhaul Wisconsin Elections

Everything You Need To Know About Democrat Gov. Tony Evers’ Bid To Overhaul Wisconsin Elections Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers proposed a series of Democrat-friendly changes to the state’s election laws…

Harvesting Low-Effort Votes Is Working Great For Democrats, So They’re Going For More

Harvesting Low-Effort Votes Is Working Great For Democrats, So They’re Going For More While some congressional Republicans might think the post-2020 election integrity fight is over, that couldn’t be farther…

Democrats Court Their Newest Voting Bloc: High Schoolers

Democrats Court Their Newest Voting Bloc: High Schoolers Think high-school-junior-to-Democrat-voter pipeline. That’s the model for this left-wing nonprofit’s latest Democrat get-out-the-vote scheme. In a fundraising email to its supporters, VoteAmerica…