Category: Center for Election Innovation and Research

Gov. Abbott Signs Bill Allowing Texas To Withdraw From Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC

Gov. Abbott Signs Bill Allowing Texas To Withdraw From Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC Republican Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation on Sunday permitting Texas to withdraw from the leftist-controlled…

Judge Greenlights Election Integrity Lawsuit Seeking ERIC Voter Data In Alaska After Lt. Gov. Tried To Shut It Down

Judge Greenlights Election Integrity Lawsuit Seeking ERIC Voter Data In Alaska After Lt. Gov. Tried To Shut It Down ERIC’s secrecy isn’t the only reason the voter-roll management organization is…

Virginia To Exit Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC

Virginia To Exit Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC Virginia announced on Thursday it would be withdrawing from the leftist-controlled voter roll management group known as ERIC.

Why Aren’t Legacy Media Freaking Out Over Democrat Election Officials’ Plans To Attend A Summit Held By A Left-Wing, Dark Money Elections Group?

Why Aren’t Legacy Media Freaking Out Over Democrat Election Officials’ Plans To Attend A Summit Held By A Left-Wing, Dark Money Elections Group? After attacking EAC Commissioner Donald Palmer for…

Politico’s Coverage Of Republican States Ditching A Leftist Voter Roll Operation Is Democrat Propaganda, Not News

Politico’s Coverage Of Republican States Ditching A Leftist Voter Roll Operation Is Democrat Propaganda, Not News Politico is attempting to cast GOP states’ departure from the Electronic Registration Information Center…

Democrat Activist To Resign From Voter Roll Operation After Pressure From GOP States

Democrat Activist To Resign From Voter Roll Operation After Pressure From GOP States While Becker’s departure from ERIC is a welcome development, his influence still looms large, as CEIR and…

ZuckBucks Election Rigger Announces Plan To Take Over Government Election Communications

ZuckBucks Election Rigger Announces Plan To Take Over Government Election Communications Democratic operative David Becker just announced he will be providing communications assistance for government election officials.