Category: energy policy

How Democrats’ Push For Electric Cars Endangers National Security

How Democrats’ Push For Electric Cars Endangers National Security Democrats’ highly expensive environmental policies have been developed without any meaningful strategic thinking or analyses about raw materials and geopolitics.

Wind Farms Don’t Just Hurt The Environment And Boost China, They’re Ugly As Sin

Wind Farms Don’t Just Hurt The Environment And Boost China, They’re Ugly As Sin People don’t like wind farms. That gut feeling points toward the truth: Wind turbines are not…

Biden Administration Drained Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Save ‘Global Economy’: White House Adviser

President Joe Biden speaks to the press as he walks to Marine One prior to departure from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on Oct. 27, 2022,…

Biden Administration Drained Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Save ‘Global Economy’: White House Adviser

President Joe Biden speaks to the press as he walks to Marine One prior to departure from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on Oct. 27, 2022,…

Biden Admin Drained Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Save ‘Global Economy’: White House Adviser

President Joe Biden speaks to the press as he walks to Marine One prior to departure from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on Oct. 27, 2022,…