Category: Eva Vlaardingerbroek

Transgender Model Crowned as 'Miss Netherlands', Will Compete for Title of Miss Universe

Transgender Model Crowned as 'Miss Netherlands', Will Compete for Title of Miss Universe Rikkie Kolle, a biologically male transgender model was crowned as ‘Miss Netherlands’ and will compete for the…

Populist Win: New Anti-Globalist Farmers Wins Even More Dutch Senators Than Expected, Are Largest Party

Populist Win: New Anti-Globalist Farmers Wins Even More Dutch Senators Than Expected, Are Largest Party The anti-Great Reset, pro-farmer BBB appears to have won even more seats in the Dutch…

Exclusive — Eva Vlaardingerbroek: 'Climate Transition' Is Globalist Pretext to 'Starve' and 'Freeze' Europe

Exclusive — Eva Vlaardingerbroek: 'Climate Transition' Is Globalist Pretext to 'Starve' and 'Freeze' Europe Eva Vlaardingerbroek said globalist interests use what they label “climate change” as a pretext to “freeze”…

Exclusive — Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Rape, Torture, Murder of 12-Year-Old Lola Daviet: 'At Least a Dozen' Similar Stories 'Every Year' in Europe

Exclusive — Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Rape, Torture, Murder of 12-Year-Old Lola Daviet: 'At Least a Dozen' Similar Stories 'Every Year' in Europe Europe sees “at least a dozen” cases similar…