Category: French police

WATCH: French Climate Crazies Torch Police Cars, Clash with Cops Protesting Farmer Irrigation Project

WATCH: French Climate Crazies Torch Police Cars, Clash with Cops Protesting Farmer Irrigation Project Police vehicles were torched and clashes were seen as thousands of officers squared off with radical…

Migrants Clash With French Police in Dunkirk as They Try to Reach Britain

Migrants Clash With French Police in Dunkirk as They Try to Reach Britain Migrants were filmed clashing with French police, throwing rocks at officers as they were apparently preparing to…

North African Migrants Arrested After Ramming and Injuring Four French Cops

North African Migrants Arrested After Ramming and Injuring Four French Cops Two North African migrants, one already subject to a deportation order, were arrested this week after ramming a French…