Category: John Roberts

No, The Supreme Court Did Not Carve Out A Military Exception In Race-Based Admissions

No, The Supreme Court Did Not Carve Out A Military Exception In Race-Based Admissions Contra some accounts, the court did not hold that equal protection principles do not apply to…

SCOTUS Rules Race-Based College Admissions Violate The 14th Amendment, Ending Affirmative Action

SCOTUS Rules Race-Based College Admissions Violate The 14th Amendment, Ending Affirmative Action Harvard and UNC violated the 14th Amendment by considering applicants’ race during their admissions processes.

Supreme Court: Racial Preferences Unconstitutional in College Admissions

Supreme Court: Racial Preferences Unconstitutional in College Admissions Racial preferences in college admissions violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, the Supreme Court decided Thursday.