Category: liberty

The Declaration Of Independence Defends American Citizenship, Not Abstract Ideas

The Declaration Of Independence Defends American Citizenship, Not Abstract Ideas Lincoln knew the declaration was more than a historical curiosity to be ‘frittered away’ as an ‘interesting memorial of the…

'Global Policy Failure': Lockdowns Had ‘Negligible' Impact on Deaths Compared to ‘Staggering Collateral Costs’, Study Finds

'Global Policy Failure': Lockdowns Had ‘Negligible' Impact on Deaths Compared to ‘Staggering Collateral Costs’, Study Finds Lockdowns were “a global policy failure of gigantic proportions” that had a “negligible” impact…

Stockholm Syndrome UK: Plurality Believe Govt 'Not Strict Enough' with Lockdowns

Stockholm Syndrome UK: Plurality Believe Govt 'Not Strict Enough' with Lockdowns A plurality of the British public believe the government was “not strict enough” in its lockdown agenda during the…