Category: Matteo Piantedosi

Migrant Transport Ship Fined 10k and Held in Port for Violating Border Control Decree

Migrant Transport Ship Fined 10k and Held in Port for Violating Border Control Decree An NGO migrant “taxi” ship has been fined 10,000 euros and placed into administrative detention for…

France, Pressuring Italy on NGO Ships, Has Received Just 38 of 3,500 Migrants It Promised to Take In

France, Pressuring Italy on NGO Ships, Has Received Just 38 of 3,500 Migrants It Promised to Take In Despite promising to take in 3,500 migrants from other European Union countries,…

Italian Admiral Backs Naval Blockade To Stop Illegal Migration

Italian Admiral Backs Naval Blockade To Stop Illegal Migration Top naval officer expressed support for a naval blockade in the Mediterranean to halt illegal migration to alleviate human suffering.

Migrant 'Taxi' Ship Turns to Other EU Countries as Meloni's Italy Refuses Entry

Migrant 'Taxi' Ship Turns to Other EU Countries as Meloni's Italy Refuses Entry The NGO migrant “taxi” ship Ocean Viking has called on France, Spain, and Greece – but apparently…

Firebrand Conservative Giorgia Meloni Becomes First Female Italian Prime Minister in History

Firebrand Conservative Giorgia Meloni Becomes First Female Italian Prime Minister in History Fireband social conservative Giorgia Meloni became Italy’s first-ever female prime minister on Friday following the approval from Italian…