Category: Pedro Sanchez

Conservative-Populist Bloc Wins Most Votes in Spanish Elections but Socialist PM Pedro Sanchez May Cling to Power with Help of Catalonian Separatists

Conservative-Populist Bloc Wins Most Votes in Spanish Elections but Socialist PM Pedro Sanchez May Cling to Power with Help of Catalonian Separatists Right-wing bloc take most seats in Spain’s national…

Media Establishment Panic over 'Far-Right' Rise as Spanish Populist Vox Party Set to Enter Government

Media Establishment Panic over 'Far-Right' Rise as Spanish Populist Vox Party Set to Enter Government The legacy media is panicking over the rise of the so-called “far-right” as the populist…

Zelensky Declares No Peace Talks with Putin Until Russia Leaves Crimea and Donbas, 1991 Borders Restored

Zelensky Declares No Peace Talks with Putin Until Russia Leaves Crimea and Donbas, 1991 Borders Restored Zelensky declared that he will not participate in any peace negotiations until Russian forces…