Category: Sir Keir Starmer

Channel Crisis Continues as 4,500 Illegal Boat Migrants Land on British Soil So Far This Year

Channel Crisis Continues as 4,500 Illegal Boat Migrants Land on British Soil So Far This Year The number of illegal boat migrants that have crossed the English Channel so far…

'Mask Has Slipped': Potential Future PM Keir Starmer Says He Prefers Davos over Westminster

'Mask Has Slipped': Potential Future PM Keir Starmer Says He Prefers Davos over Westminster The odds-on favourite to become the next prime minister of the UK, Sir Keir Starmer said…

Gender Changes for 13-Year-Old Children Should Be 'Taken Seriously', Says Leftist Labour MP

Gender Changes for 13-Year-Old Children Should Be 'Taken Seriously', Says Leftist Labour MP A top Labour MP has said that 13-year-old children should be “taken seriously” if they claim that…

Liz Truss Most Unpopular British Political Leader on Record, Pollsters Claim

Liz Truss Most Unpopular British Political Leader on Record, Pollsters Claim Britain’s newly minted Prime Minister Liz Truss is already the most unpopular UK political leader in the history of…