Category: UACs

House Judiciary Report: Illegal MS-13 Gang Member, Accused of Killing Kayla Hamilton, Freed into U.S. by Biden's DHS Despite Criminal Record

House Judiciary Report: Illegal MS-13 Gang Member, Accused of Killing Kayla Hamilton, Freed into U.S. by Biden's DHS Despite Criminal Record An illegal alien, accused of murdering 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton,…

Whistleblower: Federal Government Facilitating 'Multi-Billion-Dollar Child Trafficking Operation' at U.S. Border

Whistleblower: Federal Government Facilitating 'Multi-Billion-Dollar Child Trafficking Operation' at U.S. Border A whistleblower who worked at President Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services (HHS) says the federal government is facilitating…

Scott Perry: U.S. Should Bring Abandonment Charges Against Parents for Sending Migrant Kids to Border

Scott Perry: U.S. Should Bring Abandonment Charges Against Parents for Sending Migrant Kids to Border The federal government ought to bring child abandonment charges against the parents, often illegally in…