Category: UK parliament

Communist Chinese Spy Infiltrated UK Parliament Meeting for Exiled Hong Kong Activists: Claim

Communist Chinese Spy Infiltrated UK Parliament Meeting for Exiled Hong Kong Activists: Claim A Chinese spy is suspected of infiltrating a meeting of British lawmakers and exiled Hong Kong dissidents…

LGBT1984: UK Parliament Staff Told to Police 'Preferred Pronoun' Usage — Report

LGBT1984: UK Parliament Staff Told to Police 'Preferred Pronoun' Usage -- Report Parliament staff were reportedly told to police their co-worker’s speech to conform with the gender theories propped up…

Eco-Warriors Extinction Rebellion Break Into House of Commons, Glue Themselves to Speakers' Chair

Eco-Warriors Extinction Rebellion Break Into House of Commons, Glue Themselves to Speakers' Chair Extinction Rebellion activists broke into the House of Commons on Friday and superglued themselves to the Speakers’…