Category: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Displaced Ethiopians Hold Massive Demonstrations After Aid Suspended

Displaced Ethiopians Hold Massive Demonstrations After Aid Suspended Internally-displaced persons (IDPs) in Ethiopia’s Tigray region staged massive demonstrations on Tuesday to protest delays in returning to their homes, the continued…

UN Refugee Agency Head Claims Strong Border Controls Are 'Racist'

UN Refugee Agency Head Claims Strong Border Controls Are 'Racist' UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi has claimed that governments enacting strong border controls to prevent illegal immigrants from…

UN: 'Racist' EU Must Take Millions of African and Mid East Migrants as Well as Ukrainians

UN: 'Racist' EU Must Take Millions of African and Mid East Migrants as Well as Ukrainians GENEVA (AP) – Europe’s embrace of millions of Ukrainians who fled Russia’s invasion showed…