Category: voter intimidation

Corrupt Media Fight Election Accountability With Democrat-Manufactured Lies

Corrupt Media Fight Election Accountability With Democrat-Manufactured Lies Legacy media claim so-called ‘election deniers’ are constantly threatening and harassing election workers throughout the country. But the facts say otherwise.

Why Is A GOP-Controlled Florida Committee Working To Gut An Election Integrity Bill?

Why Is A GOP-Controlled Florida Committee Working To Gut An Election Integrity Bill? The Senate Fiscal Policy Committee’s substitute for SB 7050 omits several provisions that would enhance the integrity…

Poll Worker Fired For Selecting Straight Democrat Ticket On Voter’s Ballot, Calling Republicans ‘Racist’

Poll Worker Fired For Selecting Straight Democrat Ticket On Voter’s Ballot, Calling Republicans ‘Racist’ A Democrat poll worker in Indiana has reportedly been fired after allegations surfaced that he had…