Category: voter roll

Judge Greenlights Election Integrity Lawsuit Seeking ERIC Voter Data In Alaska After Lt. Gov. Tried To Shut It Down

Judge Greenlights Election Integrity Lawsuit Seeking ERIC Voter Data In Alaska After Lt. Gov. Tried To Shut It Down ERIC’s secrecy isn’t the only reason the voter-roll management organization is…

Ohio, Iowa Withdraw From Democrat Operative-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC

Ohio, Iowa Withdraw From Democrat Operative-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC Ohio and Iowa became the sixth and seventh states to drop the leftist-controlled group after it failed to deliver…

Florida, Missouri, And West Virginia Withdraw From Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC

Florida, Missouri, And West Virginia Withdraw From Leftist-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) encourages partisan outreach efforts under the guise of simple voter roll…