Category: Whiteness

Netflix’s Ahistorical Ibram X. Kendi ‘Documentary’ Is More Racist And Radical Than You Can Imagine

Netflix’s Ahistorical Ibram X. Kendi ‘Documentary’ Is More Racist And Radical Than You Can Imagine

Shakespeare's King Lear About the ‘Destructive Potential’ of ‘Whiteness’: Globe Theatre Panel

Shakespeare's King Lear About the ‘Destructive Potential’ of ‘Whiteness’: Globe Theatre Panel Shakespeare’s King Lear really centres around the “destructive potential” of “whiteness”, an academic hosted by the Globe Theater…

Narration by White Men Could Stop Minorities from Watching Nature Docs: Govt-Funded Study

Narration by White Men Could Stop Minorities from Watching Nature Docs: Govt-Funded Study Ethnic minorities could be put off watching nature documentaries if they are narrated by white men, a…

The ‘Whiteness’ Smear Is Really An Attack On Private Life, Relationships, And Universal Values

The ‘Whiteness’ Smear Is Really An Attack On Private Life, Relationships, And Universal Values Identity politics aims to humiliate ‘whites’ by constantly accusing them of their presumed ancestors’ role in…