It Ends as It Began: As a Political Ploy

The current U.S. president finally said it during a 60 Minutes interview: “The pandemic is over.” Though obviously true by the classical definition, Biden’s comment seemed almost accidental, said as an echoed response to a direct question.
Consider, however, that many times as many people die from COVID daily in the United States (300-400) than when the U.S. first announced the outrageous lockdowns of March 16, 2020. In those days, deaths were approaching 50 per day, mostly in New York. It will very likely get worse over the winter months.

Instead of today’s calm and relaxed attitude—just chill because infection, disease, and death are just part of life—there were banshee screams from the whole of governments and media. People were running around with their hair on fire, dousing themselves with sanitizer, wiping down groceries, and hiding under their sofas from the “invisible enemy.”…

By admin

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