Former NDP MP Speaks Out Against ‘Woke’ School Boards

A former NDP MP is criticizing “woke school boards” over several recent controversies, saying the actions of the school boards are giving conservatives “ammunition.”
In a Twitter post, Erin Weir, who was the Regina-Lewvan MP from 2015 to 2019 and a member of the federal NDP party from 2015 to 2018, referred to the case of Carolyn Burjoski, a Waterloo, Ont., teacher who was ejected from a January 2022 school board meeting after raising concerns about the age-appropriateness of sexual content contained in some of the library books available to elementary school children.
Weir also mentioned the case of Mike Ramsey, a Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) trustee who spoke up in defence of Burjoski and often took opposing views to some other board members on issues such as critical race theory and free speech. He was later suspended from participating in school meetings for several months for allegedly violating the WRDSB’s “Trustee Code of Conduct.”…

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