FBI Warns About Child Abductions Through Rideshares

The FBI has issued a public service announcement warning about criminal actors using rideshare vehicles to kidnap minor victims.
Though the prevalence of such incidents is rare, the FBI issued the warning due to the “high impact of such events,” the agency stated. The FBI said it has received several reports of child abductions using rideshare services since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though other transportation modes like public buses were also used for abductions, ridesharing afforded these criminals more privacy from potential witnesses.
“While using rideshare vehicles, threat actors were less likely to be apprehended when compared to other modes of transportation or facilities. Criminal actors benefitted from past mask requirements and social distancing in rideshare vehicles and may choose to continue wearing masks as it provides additional identity concealment,” the notice said while providing a few examples of such crimes….

By admin

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