The Freedom Convoy: How One Grassroots Movement Stood Against Tyranny

Across the world, many remember the Freedom Convoy in the early days of 2022, with the crowded overpasses and the Canadian and American flags waving side by side for freedom. The documentary “Trucking for Freedom Chapter Two: Winter Wildfire,” available on EpochTV, shows the inspirational story of a country uniting for liberty and the power of grassroots movements.
Canada’s Harsh COVID Measures
The film cites that two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, almost 90 percent of Canadians were vaccinated. Despite this, Canada remained one of the most locked-down places in the world. Leading up to the convoy, every Canadian province had implemented vaccine passports. Unvaccinated Canadians were barred from restaurants, cafes, and internal travel. Some were even denied life-saving medical procedures. College students were threatened, banned from campus grounds, and deregistered from classes. In addition, vaccines were mandated for the federal workforce and the federally regulated transportation sectors….

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