‘Friendly Skies’? Interview With an Unvaccinated Pilot Suing United Airlines

The first thing I asked Tom Floyd was whether there was truth to the rumor that the wealthiest 1 percent who were heading for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, were looking for unvaccinated pilots to fly their private jets.
The idea was that the—some might call them hypocritical—WEF attendees were aware of the growing reports of potential perilous side effects from the shots and had put personal safety over their professed beliefs in global warming.
Floyd was in a position to know since he’s now working for a private jet firm himself, not that he wanted to. He had been a longtime employee of United Airlines, as one of those highly trained pilots we rely upon to ferry us on long-haul flights, which he did thrice monthly between the United States and China….

By admin

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