Category: NIAID

Report: U.S. Taxpayers Funded Wuhan Gain-of-Function Scientist Who Fell Ill at Start of COVID-19 Outbreak

Report: U.S. Taxpayers Funded Wuhan Gain-of-Function Scientist Who Fell Ill at Start of COVID-19 Outbreak Three gain-of-function researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill with an “unknown illness”…

Congress Quietly Left The Door Open To Funneling More Tax Dollars To EcoHealth Research In China For ‘National Security’

Congress Quietly Left The Door Open To Funneling More Tax Dollars To EcoHealth Research In China For ‘National Security’ EcoHealth Alliance — the nonprofit that infamously funneled taxpayer funds into…

EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Guy Reschenthaler on Bill to Defund EcoHealth Alliance: ‘Unconscionable’ Taxpayers Funded Wuhan Lab

EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Guy Reschenthaler on Bill to Defund EcoHealth Alliance: ‘Unconscionable’ Taxpayers Funded Wuhan Lab It is “unconscionable” that EcoHealth Alliance “repeatedly funneled American taxpayer dollars” to the “CCP-controlled”…