Michigan Senate Approves Bill to Repeal ‘Right-to-Work’ Law

The Michigan Senate approved a bill on March 14 to repeal the 2012 right-to-work law that made paying dues or agency fees to a union at unionized workplaces optional.
The bill narrowly passed along party lines in a 20–17 vote. A similar package of three bills passed the House the previous week, meaning the two chambers will have to decide on which version to send to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to be signed.
Whitmer, a Democrat, has said she will sign the bill into law once it reaches her desk.
The right-to-work law was enacted in 2012 under a GOP-dominated Legislature, and while it allowed public and private unions the right to organize and collectively bargain, it banned them from requiring nonunion employees to pay union fees as a condition of employment, even if the union bargains on their behalf….

By admin

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