Wayne Allyn Root, Nicky Billou Publish Consumer Guide for Conservatives

Well written though they are, Epoch Times readers could, in some instances, find the introductory essays in Wayne Allyn Root and Nicky Billou’s just published “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book: The Great Conservative Companies to BUY From & Invest In!” a bit of “déjà vu all over again.”
The subjects of “woke,” COVID-19, the border crisis, Russiagate, economic decline, election integrity, Jan. 6, and so forth have been covered extensively in this paper, where there is more room to drill down on them.  
But that’s not why you should buy this book—and you absolutely should!
Messrs. Root and Billou have provided a first-rate and necessary handy consumer guide for all of us who wish to strike back with our wallets at what is arguably the most reactionary and destructive movement in American history.  …

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