The Banal Evil of Bureaucrats and Censorship

How do we recognize truth? In some ways, we know truth by comparing it to what isn’t truth. But what happens if the public square is suddenly void of truth, with all potential solutions carefully filtered out so that the only information you interact with is highly curated but far from honest? The result of such “purification” is stagnation, and stagnation brings with it death: death of ideas, curiosity, comedy, and truth. That’s the cost of censorship, and the price to be paid within a totalitarian regime.
The First Amendment prohibits the government from suppressing or restricting expression because of its message, ideas, subject matter, or content. The U.S. Supreme Court also firmly rejected the idea of judging speech by “balancing relative social costs and benefits.” Yet in our lawsuit Missouri and Louisiana v. Biden et al., we have uncovered a censorship enterprise so vast and entrenched that it spans almost every government institution, all working to control, manipulate, and deceive millions of social media users across the country….

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