PREMIERING 8PM ET: Kash’s Corner: Sam Bankman-Fried Bribed CCP Officials With Over $40 Million; Moderna’s $400 Million ‘Kickback’ to NIH Scientists?

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is part of the NIH, received $400 million from Moderna in a “catch-up payment,” according to a newly disclosed contract that The Epoch Times obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.
So where is the money going? Which government officials are getting the money?
Kash Patel argues that it poses a major conflict of interest for scientists at the NIH to be able to receive royalties from patents.
“Do people in the Department of Agriculture who work with private-sector farmers and come up with some new seed receive millions of dollars from the farming industry? No,” Patel said….

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