Principal Punts Parent’s Lawful Request to See ‘Equity’ Lessons to FOIA Office

A northern Virginia middle school allegedly violated parental rights by not immediately giving a parent access to so-called social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum her eighth grader is being taught. The student’s mother, Stephanie Lundquist-Arora, says Irving Middle School’s lack of cooperation violates her rights under Virginia law. The school is part of the Fairfax County public school district.
Lundquist-Arora said the principal made it especially difficult to get access to the “divisive” material, which the school district claims is implemented to foster “equity” among students.
Lundquist-Arora believes the SEL lessons violate an executive order by Gov. Glenn Youngkin. More seriously, she believes that being denied timely access to the lessons violates the federal government’s Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)….

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