Federal Judge’s Decision Against Abortion Pill May Not Survive Appeals, Legal Experts Say

A federal judge’s recent ruling striking down U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of abortion pill mifepristone is not likely to survive on appeal, legal experts told The Epoch Times.
The court decision is one of many to have followed across the country in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in June 2022 in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade and found there was no right to abortion in the U.S. Constitution.
The ruling returned the regulation of abortion to the states.
After the ruling by a federal judge in Texas, it was reported that California and New York are stockpiling supplies of misoprostol, another pill used in medication abortions. Misoprostol is also approved for the treatment of gastric ulcers….

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