The Traditional Practice of Eating Nutrient-Rich Foods to Prepare for Conception

One of Dr. Weston Price’s most interesting discoveries in his studies of non-industrialized peoples was the practice of consuming special nutrient-dense foods in preparation for pregnancy. As Price reported in his book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,” these foods were often considered sacred and were consumed by both men and women for about six months before conception, and then by expectant mothers during pregnancy and lactation.
Parents also fed these foods to their children during the period of growth. These cultures recognized that extra nutrition was required while children’s bodies were being formed and developed.
What were these sacred foods? As described by Price in Chapter 3 of his book (“Isolated and Modernized Swiss”), in Switzerland, engaged couples and expectant mothers made a point of consuming the deep yellow butter from cows when they first went to pasture during the spring….

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