Government Needs to Tell Americans What It’s Doing With UFOs: Rep. Tim Burchett

Congress needs to take conversations about UFOs seriously and provide Americans with greater transparency regarding what the Pentagon is hiding in the name of national security, said Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.).
“It turns out we’ve been spending money researching it for years,” Burchett said in an interview for EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program ahead of an anticipated House Oversight Committee hearing on UFOs, formally referred to as unidentified anomalous phenomena or UAPs.
The hearing is prompted by a government whistleblower’s extraordinary claims that the U.S. government had obtained not only “intact and partially intact vehicles of non-human origin,” but also their occupants’ bodies. The whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, told science website The Debrief that there is a decades-long, ongoing competition with other countries to “identify crashes/landings and retrieve the material for exploitation/reverse engineering.”…

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