Biden Admin Threatens to Sue Texas Over Floating Barrier Blocking Illegal Immigration

The Biden administration is threatening to sue the state of Texas unless officials remove floating border barriers recently set up in the middle of the Rio Grande river to keep out illegal immigrants.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) told Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in a July 20 letter obtained by The Epoch Times that the agency intends to take legal action to force the dismantling of what it called the Lone Star state’s “unlawful” floating barrier at Eagle Pass, a major point of illegal border crossings.
“Texas’s unauthorized construction of the floating barrier is a prima facie violation of the Rivers and Harbors Act. This floating barrier poses a risk to navigation, as well as public safety, in the Rio Grande River, and it presents humanitarian concerns,” wrote Todd Kim, an assistant attorney general, and Jaime Esparza, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas….

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