Category: appropriations

McCarthy’s Debt Limit Deal Virtually Guarantees Another Omnibus Train Wreck

McCarthy’s Debt Limit Deal Virtually Guarantees Another Omnibus Train Wreck Section 102 of the debt limit bill will discourage Congress from considering spending bills through an open process involving committee…

Rep. Tom Tiffany Requests Federal Funds Pulled From Indian Tribe Guilty Of Illegally Holding Wisconsites Hostage 

Rep. Tom Tiffany Requests Federal Funds Pulled From Indian Tribe Guilty Of Illegally Holding Wisconsites Hostage The tribe’s multimillion-dollar demand is in addition to the $218 million in federal funds…

Congress Quietly Left The Door Open To Funneling More Tax Dollars To EcoHealth Research In China For ‘National Security’

Congress Quietly Left The Door Open To Funneling More Tax Dollars To EcoHealth Research In China For ‘National Security’ EcoHealth Alliance — the nonprofit that infamously funneled taxpayer funds into…