Category: Chrissy Houlahan

LIVE NOW: Congressional Electromagnetic Warfare Working Group on Achieving Spectrum Superiority—A Hudson Event

This Thursday Feb. 23. 2012 photo provided by the US Navy shows engineers at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, prepare to test the Office of Naval Research-funded electromagnetic railgun…

Congressional Electromagnetic Warfare Working Group on Achieving Spectrum Superiority—A Hudson Event

This Thursday Feb. 23. 2012 photo provided by the US Navy shows engineers at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, prepare to test the Office of Naval Research-funded electromagnetic railgun…

LIVE 8 AM ET: Congressional Electromagnetic Warfare Working Group on Achieving Spectrum Superiority—A Hudson Event

This Thursday Feb. 23. 2012 photo provided by the US Navy shows engineers at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, prepare to test the Office of Naval Research-funded electromagnetic railgun…