Category: Covid jab risks

By Refusing To Acknowledge The Jab’s Risks, Trump Helps The Covid Cult Evade Accountability

By Refusing To Acknowledge The Jab’s Risks, Trump Helps The Covid Cult Evade Accountability Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the Covid shots’ existing side effects helps no one except those who…

R.I. Dad Files Complaint Against Pediatrician For Using ‘Thuggish Force’ To Give His Daughters Covid Jab

R.I. Dad Files Complaint Against Pediatrician For Using ‘Thuggish Force’ To Give His Daughters Covid Jab ‘ have to watch someone harm children,’ Joshua told The Federalist, adding that he’s…

Rhode Island Supreme Court Rejects Brief From Doctors Advising Against Giving Kids The Covid Jab

Rhode Island Supreme Court Rejects Brief From Doctors Advising Against Giving Kids The Covid Jab A case heard before the Rhode Island Supreme Court on Thursday will determine whether a…