Category: gender politics

LGBT1984: UK Parliament Staff Told to Police 'Preferred Pronoun' Usage — Report

LGBT1984: UK Parliament Staff Told to Police 'Preferred Pronoun' Usage -- Report Parliament staff were reportedly told to police their co-worker’s speech to conform with the gender theories propped up…

Not All Ovarian Cancer Victims Are Women, Says London's Govt-Funded 'Vagina Museum'

Not All Ovarian Cancer Victims Are Women, Says London's Govt-Funded 'Vagina Museum' London’s so-called Vagina Museum has marked Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month by lecturing social media followers that not all…

Socialist Spain: Children as Young as 12 Can Change Gender Under New Law

Socialist Spain: Children as Young as 12 Can Change Gender Under New Law The Spanish parliament has approved a new transgender law that could allow children as young as 12…