Category: Wokery

Pro-Trans Irish Govt Looking to Erase Word 'Woman' from Constitution: Claim

Pro-Trans Irish Govt Looking to Erase Word 'Woman' from Constitution: Claim Ireland’s pro-transgenderism government is looking to erase the word “woman” from the country’s constitution, the leader of a populist…

French State-Backed Media Blame U.S. Conservatives for 'Culture War' over Drag Aimed at Kids

French State-Backed Media Blame U.S. Conservatives for 'Culture War' over Drag Aimed at Kids French state-backed media says American conservatives, not LGBT activists, are to blame for the “culture war”…

Woke Christianity: Historic London Church to Host Drag Queen Performance

Woke Christianity: Historic London Church to Host Drag Queen Performance A historic Anglican Church in London will put on a drag queen show, which will feature former RuPaul’s Drag Race…

School Kids Taught How to Masturbate and Virtues of 'Rough Sex' in Lessons Hidden from Parents

School Kids Taught How to Masturbate and Virtues of 'Rough Sex' in Lessons Hidden from Parents British schoolchildren were taught how to masturbate and the virtues of “rough” sex in…

Not All Ovarian Cancer Victims Are Women, Says London's Govt-Funded 'Vagina Museum'

Not All Ovarian Cancer Victims Are Women, Says London's Govt-Funded 'Vagina Museum' London’s so-called Vagina Museum has marked Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month by lecturing social media followers that not all…

Bondage-Themed Drag Queen Show for Babies Forced to Cancel Shows After Public Backlash

Bondage-Themed Drag Queen Show for Babies Forced to Cancel Shows After Public Backlash The “CABA-BABA-RAVE” bondage-themed drag queen show for babies and their mothers has cancelled an upcoming show after…

Christian Teacher Charged with Misconduct After ‘Misgendering’ Trans Pupil

Christian Teacher Charged with Misconduct After ‘Misgendering’ Trans Pupil A Christian teacher has been accused of “misgendering” one of his “transgender” pupils during a misconduct hearing.

Original James Bond Books ‘Rewritten’ to Remove ‘Racist’ Content: Report

Original James Bond Books ‘Rewritten’ to Remove ‘Racist’ Content: Report Ian Fleming’s original James Bond novels have been “rewritten” to remove racist remarks ahead of a coming re-release, The Telegraph…

Cambridge University Blocked Working-Class Whites from Applying for Post-Graduate Programme

Cambridge University Blocked Working-Class Whites from Applying for Post-Graduate Programme Cambridge University reportedly initially blocked working-class white students from a post-graduate programme.

Roald Dahl Publisher Will Try to Scam Conservatives by Selling Uncensored Books Alongside Woke Rewrites

Roald Dahl Publisher Will Try to Scam Conservatives by Selling Uncensored Books Alongside Woke Rewrites In a craven attempt to quell outrage from conservatives, the publisher of Roald Dahl’s children’s…