Category: parental consent

Healthcare Watchdog Crafts ‘Bill of Rights’ for Youths Escaping Transgenderism

Healthcare Watchdog Crafts ‘Bill of Rights’ for Youths Escaping Transgenderism

RGA Affiliate Ad Accuses Democrat Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear of Putting ‘Liberal Politics Over Parents’

RGA Affiliate Ad Accuses Democrat Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear of Putting ‘Liberal Politics Over Parents’ The RGA affiliate Kentucky Values launched a political advertisement on Friday accusing Gov. Andy Beshear…

Left-Wing Groups Submit Signatures for Extreme Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative

Left-Wing Groups Submit Signatures for Extreme Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative A coalition of left-wing groups in Ohio submitted the signatures on Wednesday needed to place an extremely broad, anti-parent abortion…

Louisiana Senate Passes Ban on Sex Change Procedures, Hormones for Minors

Louisiana Senate Passes Ban on Sex Change Procedures, Hormones for Minors The Louisiana state Senate passed a bill on Monday 29-10 that would outlaw cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and mutilating…

Oregon Republicans Continue Walkout as Democrats Push Anti-Parent Abortion, Trans Bills

Oregon Republicans Continue Walkout as Democrats Push Anti-Parent Abortion, Trans Bills Oregon Senate Republicans began a walkout on May 3, ultimately stalling floor sessions in response to far-left legislation that…

Left-Wing Group Backing Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative Promotes Ending Parental Involvement Laws

Left-Wing Group Backing Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative Promotes Ending Parental Involvement Laws The coalition appears to be purposefully obscuring whether the proposed ballot language would undermine parental consent laws.