Category: parental notification

Left-Wing Groups Submit Signatures for Extreme Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative

Left-Wing Groups Submit Signatures for Extreme Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative A coalition of left-wing groups in Ohio submitted the signatures on Wednesday needed to place an extremely broad, anti-parent abortion…

Oregon Republicans Continue Walkout as Democrats Push Anti-Parent Abortion, Trans Bills

Oregon Republicans Continue Walkout as Democrats Push Anti-Parent Abortion, Trans Bills Oregon Senate Republicans began a walkout on May 3, ultimately stalling floor sessions in response to far-left legislation that…

Left-Wing Group Backing Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative Promotes Ending Parental Involvement Laws

Left-Wing Group Backing Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative Promotes Ending Parental Involvement Laws The coalition appears to be purposefully obscuring whether the proposed ballot language would undermine parental consent laws.

Pro-Parent Coalition Launches Multi-Million Dollar Ad Campaign Slamming Proposed Ohio Abortion Ballot Measure

Pro-Parent Coalition Launches Multi-Million Dollar Ad Campaign Slamming Proposed Ohio Abortion Ballot Measure The coalition warns that parents would be “cut out” of their children’s decision making around abortions and…

Minnesota Senate Votes to Allow Abortion Without Limits: 'Most Extreme Bill in the Country'

Minnesota Senate Votes to Allow Abortion Without Limits: 'Most Extreme Bill in the Country' Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) is expected to sign a bill which will enshrine the “right”…