Category: Public School

If You Think All Teachers Are ‘Heroes,’ You’re Part Of The Problem

If You Think All Teachers Are ‘Heroes,’ You’re Part Of The Problem When we regard teachers as heroes, we shouldn’t be surprised when they believe their duties include having discussions…

[PREMIERING 5/18, 7:30PM ET] Karol Markowicz: ‘Ultimate Revolutionaries’—How the Woke Regime Indoctrinates Children

Karol Markowicz: ‘Ultimate Revolutionaries’—How the Woke Regime Indoctrinates Children “This happened in a red enclave, in a red hamlet, in a red town, in a red county. I need these…

Are Public Schools Broken, Or Are The Defects Part Of The Design?

Are Public Schools Broken, Or Are The Defects Part Of The Design? Good teachers can only help students so much in a system that constrains their growth with the authoritarian…

7 Important Social Benefits Kids Develop From Homeschooling

7 Important Social Benefits Kids Develop From Homeschooling From high interaction with homeschooled families and graduates in multiple environments, professional and personal, I’ve definitely noticed differences.