Category: Rep. Mike Waltz

Exclusive – Rep. Waltz: Hamas Attack Result of Biden’s ‘Failed’ Iran Policy, Terror in U.S. 'Ticking Time Bomb' Due to Open Border

Exclusive - Rep. Waltz: Hamas Attack Result of Biden’s ‘Failed’ Iran Policy, Terror in U.S. 'Ticking Time Bomb' Due to Open Border

House Republicans Probe Preferred Pronoun Role Play at West Point

West Point graduates raise their hands during the 2022 commencement ceremony at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., on May 21, 2022. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

GOP Representatives Demand ‘Transparency’ over DoD ‘Wokeness’ Harming Army Recruitment

GOP Representatives Demand ‘Transparency’ over DoD ‘Wokeness’ Harming Army Recruitment Warning of a “major threat to democracy,” Republican Reps. Mike Waltz (R-FL) and Jim Banks (R-IN) are demanding “transparency” regarding…

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Mike Waltz — Joe Biden’s ‘Lopsided’ Brittney Griner Swap a ‘Major Propaganda Victory’ for Putin

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Mike Waltz -- Joe Biden’s ‘Lopsided’ Brittney Griner Swap a ‘Major Propaganda Victory’ for Putin Following the release of former WNBA star Brittney Griner from Russian custody in…