Category: V4

Hungary Demands Biden Admin Apologise for 'False' Story About Holocaust Memorial Vandalism

Hungary Demands Biden Admin Apologise for 'False' Story About Holocaust Memorial Vandalism The Hungarian government has demanded an apology from the Joe Biden administration for spreading a “false” story about…

Hungarian Border Guards Stopped Average of 738 Illegals a Day in 2022, Double 2021 Numbers

Hungarian Border Guards Stopped Average of 738 Illegals a Day in 2022, Double 2021 Numbers The Hungarian government says it apprehended some 269,254 “illegal entrants” at its southern border in…

Hungary Exempts Mothers Under 30 from Income Tax, Seeks to Boost Births Instead of Migration

Hungary Exempts Mothers Under 30 from Income Tax, Seeks to Boost Births Instead of Migration Hungary has exempted young mothers from paying income tax as it continues to expand the…